“I believe each person is unique and has God given worth. You are valued and loved.”


Abigail Castel

In a good story book, you learn about the characters in the book. So, let me tell you something about Abigail. First, Christ is at the center of her life. He is her strength and source. Second, she is a businesswoman, a former Senior Financial Analyst and has worked in Corporate America for over 10 years. Third, she is a therapist and counselor. She has a Master of Arts degree in Counseling Psychology and is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Her professional experience includes Counseling and Psychotherapy, Behavioral Healthcare, Community Mental Health Counseling, School-based Counseling, and Private Practice. “My mission is to provide tools to young people and their families, helping to restore hope and stability, and strengthen their lives.” 

Abigail is the oldest of seven children. She lived in the Philippines and attended school there during her elementary years.  After 6th grade, she moved to the United States to live with her family. Now, she lives with her wonderful husband and their new goldendoodle baby girl. “We love to spend time together and travel in our RV. I also enjoy the outdoors, gardening, skiing, and reading.” 

How did Abigail become an author? “Growing up I remember staying up all night trying to finish reading a good book. However, I didn’t know I would be an author until a few years ago. I realized my fondness for children’s books, especially ones that feature pets and other animals. My career as a children’s author has begun. I am trilled and humbled that my first book of the “Well Done Series” is published!  At every moment, the world is whispering opportunities. We are to listen and let in the new wind of opportunity and transformational change. I continue to grow and have learned that this life is a journey.”

Professional Memberships:

American Mental Health Counselors Association



In addition to English, Abigail speaks Tagalog fluently.